Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What we're watching.

First up:  Hell on Wheels...we're watching season 1.
My little brother, Jeffy, gifted Ryan this for his birthday...really he introduces us to most of the shows we watch.  This show is from the same writers as Mad Men, and we all know what big fans we are of that!  So far we've seen the first three episodes and it's pretty darn good!  Basically, Hell on Wheels is the name of the traveling town that follows the construction of the first transcontinental railroad.  And that bad a$$ dude in the picture works for the railroad as he searches for the men responsible for murdering his wife.  He's out for blood and you certainly don't want to be on his bad side, but he's got a soft side too which makes us ladies love him!

I know I'm behind, as I think they're on season 3 now.  But you know...better late than never.

Okay...has anyone seen this show on the Discovery channel??
The premise is absolutely ridiculous!  But I must say it's so very entertaining!  Basically, they throw one man and one woman (complete strangers) NAKED, with nothing, and they have to survive for 21 days.  They drop them off completely alone and they have to walk (NAKED) to find their partner (who, like I said, is a complete stranger to them).  Their introduction to each other has got to be one of the best parts of the show as you can see how hard they are trying to keep their eyes focused on the other persons eyes and not glancing down.  It's just so awkward!  So if you're not scared to see a bit of bare butt (butts are not censored) than you might want to check it out.  Three episodes have aired so far...and yep, we've seen all three already!

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