Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my little Morga-Muffin!
Today you are 7!!
We love you!

Quick story about that little stuffed animal she's holding.  A few weeks ago Morgan and I were at Rite Aid picking up a couple things and she found that little Beanie Baby Prairie Dog on a shelf and of course fell in love with it.  I of course refused to buy it and we left.  She talked about that Prairie Dog just about every day after that!  Now, I have this thing with stuffed animals...I don't like to buy them because we have about a gazillion in our house already (I swear they multiply at night!).  But her heart was so set on that Beanie Baby!  So last night when the girls were in bed I went back to that same Rite Aid literally as they were closing (I'm surprised they even let me in!  Although, I would have begged if I had to.)  And what do you know?  They only had ONE left!!  I bought that darn thing and got out of there.  It was waiting for her this morning on the table...she was thrilled!  It's the little things that us moms live for!

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