Friday, July 26, 2013

Sofa, Pioneer Day and Broken Bones.

I have been saving some birthday money since February (my birthday month) for just the right thing to buy.  I was wavering between a buffet and hutch for the dining room or a sofa.  Well, a sofa popped up at Costco of all places and I didn't hesitate (much) and dropped the cash for it.  So our old blue sofa (remember this guy) has moved in moved to my parents basement down the street.  Old blue may be used again, only with new upholstery some day...we'll see.  Anyway, here's our new addition to our family room.

 July 24 Utah celebrates Pioneer Day to honor and remember all the pioneers that made the trek across the country to Salt Lake City.

 Right after this picture of the girls in the handcart was taken, Ryan and I were thinking we needed to leave (I had the mountain bike series that night we had to get to).  But the girls really wanted to play on the playground for a bit, so we decided to let them for just a couple minutes.  Big mistake!  Within a minute of being on the playground Haley fell off...which I didn't fact a parent had to find me and ask, "Is that you child on the ground over there screaming in agony?!"  Okay, I added the "screaming in agony" part...they didn't really say that to me...but they might as well have as she was screaming in agony!!  So I run over there and immediately I's broken.  I help her up and take her to the grass.  And then a parent says to me, "It's okay...I've called 911, an ambulance is on it's way!"  WHAT?!!!

Now, let's rewind here to Feb.2012 when Rory has RSV in CA and had to be transferred to another hospital via ambulance (they absolutely refused to let me drive they would have locked me up if I tried to take her myself!) took us a year to pay off that damn ambulance was in the thousands of dollars people!!! And that's with insurance!!  So, when this lady said ambulance I admit I freaked out a little bit...I mean this isn't life or death, and there are no bones sticking out anywhere, no bent arm, nothing gory...because you know if there was something gory I would have been laying in the grass where I ultimately fainted.  Haley was absolutely fine to be driven to an urgent care by us.  So I frantically said to this "good Samaritan", "CANCEL that ambulance!!!  I've been down that road already, and I don't want to do it again!!!

So we get her to an Urgent Care and sure enough it's broken with a buckle fracture.  
Sitting with my Haley girl waiting for the X-Ray.

It was quite a traumatic experience...but then Haley is also a very dramatic girl so everything was magnified ten fold!  But fortunately, she was smiling again when we left.
And I never did make it to the mountain bike race.

The next day we celebrated my Morgan's 7th birthday!  I made her a chocolate sheet cake that she decorated herself.  Don't be fooled by the simplicity of this was divine!!!  I may have to share the recipe with you some day!  It's a chocolate lover's dream!

More birthday festivities to come next week in CA.  That's right, we headed out of town tomorrow.  So here's hoping they fit Haley with her (waterproof) cast this morning.  If you're going to CA, you have to be able to swim!!  I'm terrified they are going to tell me that her wrist is to swollen to which case, I may resort to begging them to cast it anyway.

Happy Weekend ya'll!

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