Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Pony Party

Sorry for the lack of posts...we had some technical difficulties this past week.  Last Friday we had a pretty big thunderstorm knocking out our power for about 2 hours.  Unfortunately, when it did finally kick back on our modem decided not to work.  So we had to wait a few days for a new one to arrive.  So finally, we're up and running again!

Haley and Morgan have been wanting a REAL birthday party with friends for quite a while.  I've avoided it these past few years, but thought I'd better not leave them hanging this was the year.  We waited until after our trip to CA making it seem like we've celebrating their birthdays forever!

They decided on a My Little Pony party.
Unfortunately, Ryan was working all day at the Tour of Utah and had to miss out.  And then I realized "Wait, I can't do this party ALONE!!  What was I thinking?!!"  So I called my friend in a panic and luckily she came over to help me decorate and help me keep my sanity with a house full of little girls!

 For a kid's party it's all about the relays!
Gotta get those kids tired out!

 Bobbing for apples.
 Water balloon mayhem!

Haley blew her candle out too fast...missed the shot.


It was such a fun day!  And they had a great time!  Watching them with their friends I realized how limited I am when it comes to throwing them these kinds of little kid parties.  Makes me sad.  So I'm especially glad I did it this year!

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