Friday, August 16, 2013

Biking Viking

Well, the Weekly Race Series has come to an end.  Wednesday night was the final race and it went out with a bang...the annual costume "race"!  When I heard we had to dress up, a viking immediately popped into my head.  Perhaps I was inspired by Lagertha (I may secretly want to be her).  So my mission was to recreate her look as best as I could...which actually isn't very well at all!!  But luckily, my neighbor's daughter is a pro when it comes to designing and creating costumes!  I bought the materials (found the dress at a thrift store for only 7 dollars) and she pieced everything together.  I made the horns and the axe myself (gotta take credit somewhere!).  I think it turned out pretty darn good!  I may have to use this for look surprised when you see it again.

It was fun!  And I look forward to next season...maybe next year I'll actually train for it!