Thursday, August 29, 2013

At home with my little ones.

Now that older girls are in school everyday things at home have slowed down a bit during the day.  I don't feel so pulled in every direction, I can hear myself think again.  I don't have kids begging me to go here and there...these two are very content at home or going on errands with me.  And we love our daily walks to school to pick up the girls.

I had to include this picture just because it cracks me up.

In other news, Morgan is leaving bright and early tomorrow for the Fort Bridger Rendezvous.  She'll be going with our good friends (their daughter and Morgan are besties) and staying overnight with them.  They invited her for the whole four days, but I just couldn't bare to have Morgan away for that long!  So she'll stay Friday night and we'll drive up Saturday to spend the day and take her home.  I know it's just overnight, and she's with very trusted friends of ours, but I can't help but worry...she's so little still.  I'm a nervous wreck...however, she's just thrilled to pieces!

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