Tuesday, August 27, 2013

RIP little yellow bird.

When our dogs were puppies we lost everything from shoes to barbie dolls from their excessive chewing.  They couldn't even wear fabric collars because they would chew them off each other!  Now that they're grown they don't chew as much...key words, "as much"!  Should the kids leave a toy outside it still may get chewed up.  

Anyway, the other morning we woke up to the remains of a poor stuffed animal spread across the lawn...a little stuffed yellow bird in fact.  Normally I would have cleaned up the mess without ever telling the girls so they wouldn't cry about it.  But, as this was the second "death" within the last month I decided they needed to be told so that they remember to PICK UP THEIR TOYS!  

Needless to say they (mostly Haley...she is very sensitive about these things) was very upset.  I saw her gather all the animals "guts" into a little plastic container.  And later I discovered this in my family room:

You are looking at a stuffed animal funeral my friends, complete with a hearse holding the remains of the little yellow bird.

They completed the funeral with a burial in our front yard.  Now every time someone comes to my house the will see this:

I really hope we don't lose anymore...I would hate to have a little graveyard in my front flower beds.

1 comment:

  1. At least there was a good turn out at the funeral. This is hilarious!
