Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Difficult Times

A rainbow from last week, right outside our front door.

It's been an extremely difficult week and I haven't felt much like blogging.  We received some very devastating news this month...my mom has cancer again.  

We had just celebrated her five year mark from her first cancer diagnosis this last Spring...it was such a happy milestone.  And now this.

She has clear cell carcinoma which is a very rare and very aggressive type of cancer.  However, the good news is that from her CT scan results the cancer has not spread...an answer to all our prayers.  She will be going into surgery next week and will have to undergo chemo again.  

 She's a fighter...we all are...it's in our blood.
But prayers help too...please keep our family in yours.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, please let me know if I can help answer any questions. My thoughts are with you and your family.
