Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Weekend Review

Unfortunately, things didn't quite go as planned.  As you know Morgan left early Friday morning for the Fort Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous with friends.  Our plan was to leave Saturday morning to spend the day there and bring Morgan home.  Well, what do you know...both Piper and Rory got sick Friday night.  What kind of sick you ask?  Let's just say a lot of sheets were changed, kids bathed, and lots of cleansers were involved.  So our little plan backfired.  We let Morgan stay another day in Fort Bridger and our plan B was to try again Sunday to drive up there giving Piper and Rory a day to recover. 

 Saturday looked a lot like this:

They were not feeling well at all and pretty much slept ALL day.  Piper was coming around but Rory could not keep anything down...not even a few ice chips.  And they were both feverish.

When Sunday rolled around they were still not well enough to go on a day trip to Wyoming.  So, I stayed home to nurse my wee ones back to health while everyone else (my brothers went as well) loaded up and headed out.  
So while my day looked like this:

And this:
Oh, my poor babies...just seeing these pictures makes my heart break. 
(FYI: They are doing much better)

Ryan's outing with the older girls at Fort Bridger looked like a lot of fun!
Morgan after three days of camping...oh, how we missed her!

Their campsite.  Looks pretty darn good to me!

Morgan sitting with our good friend Steve.
He's the mountain man behind this whole thing.
Morgan and Campbelle.

I'm so glad Haley had a chance to get up there, she fit right in!

Jeff, doing some tomahawk throwing.

Jen and Jeff.

I was bummed to have missed it...Sunday was a slow, and very long day for me.  But luckily Monday (Labor Day) we were ALL able to get out!  In fact we went to the Sheepdog Championships in Soldier Hollow.  Our friend, Tyson, hooked us up with some free tickets.  It turned out to be a really cool event...it's absolutely amazing what these border collies can do!!

This is the only picture I took that day, and it's a really bad one at that.

Then Jeff hosted a fabulous BBQ at his house that night!  It was nice to get out after a very long weekend!

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