Monday, September 23, 2013

Off to L.B.

Rory really enjoys taking out every single towel and washcloth from my drawer and then laying each one very nicely on top of one of her stuffed animals.  She probably does this at least a couple times a day.

She also likes to take several things with her when we leave to go this case it was her baby and baby carrier.  And if you think I could have gotten her leave the carrier...oh no, she wasn't having it!  The carrier needed to go too!  She dragged these two things with her for about a week straight.
In other news...I'm flying out of town tomorrow.  I'm going to be with my mom for a week to help with her recovery from surgery, which went very well!  We are all so thankful!!  My mother-in-law has flown in to help Ryan with the kids for the week while I'm gone.  I'm so blessed to have family that are willing to help at the drop of a hat!  Seriously, she is an amazing mother-in-law...I'm so lucky!

Not only will I be there for my mom, but we have just found out that my grandmother, who also lives out there has had another  stroke...her fourth one in the last four months.  It has been extremely devastating news.

It feels like everything is happening all at has been so difficult for my family.

This will be the first time that I've every been away from my children for this will be very weird and heartbreaking for me to leave them.  I know they will be taken care of, but they are so much of my identity, it's strange not to have a child with me.  I will miss them terribly.  And of course Ryan too!

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