Monday, October 7, 2013


I'm back.  I know that's it's been a while and to be honest I've had NO desire to do any updates.  These past two weeks have been pretty emotional.  

I went to CA to be with my mom to help with her recovery after surgery, however, the week was NOT at all what I imagined it was going to be.  My grandma had a stroke two days before I left leaving her unresponsive in the hospital.  The day I flew in my dad and I picked up my mom from the hospital, after she was given the okay to go home, and from there we went directly to another hospital to be with my grandma.  It was an extremely heartbreaking day as we were all coming to the realization that my grandma was not ever going to wake up.  

The rest of the week I drove my mom to the hospital daily to be with grandma.  We were basically saying our goodbyes.  At the end of the week she was put into hospice and was brought home...she passed away on a Saturday morning surrounded by all of her children.  I was honored to be there.  She was a remarkable woman, and a tremendous example to me.  It's still hard to believe she's gone.  We will miss her dearly.

Grandma with Rory in 2012.

My mom is slowly recovering...I'm in awe of her strength.  She's had the hardest two weeks...everything has happened all at once for her.  

But in all this devastating news, we've been given a small mercy.  My mom will not need to undergo chemo.  She caught the cancer early enough that it stayed within the uterine wall and not a single lymph node was effected.  What a happy day that was.

To know that my mom is okay is such a relief to me.  I don't want to lose her...she is such a important part of my life...I'm not sure what I would do without her.  

My mom and grandma had a very close relationship as well...and to see my mom have to say goodbye to someone she held so dear was devastating.

So my heart breaks not only that I lost a grandma, but that my mom has lost her mother.

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