Wednesday, October 9, 2013

This week so far.

I've been trying to get back into my routine this week, but it's been difficult for me.  Emotions are still lingering from my previous two weeks away and it's hard to stay focused or be motivated to do anything at all.

Halloween is quickly approaching and I have to get four costumes pieced together before then!  The girls came up with a really cute idea...I think you'll get a kick out of it!

The girls had a blast in the Halloween isle at Target.  Haley begged me to buy costumes for the dogs.  But I just can't justify spending 30 dollars on something they'll ultimately rip to shreds.  Sorry Haley.

This is case you were wondering.

The Fall colors have peaked in the mountains, but down in the valley they're just starting.  It's beautiful!  I do love this time of year...crisp mornings and warm afternoons.  We pass this big bush on the way to school was so vibrant with color and I just had to snap a picture!

This was my week teaching Piper's preschool group.  They're a fun group of kids, and so full of energy...I'm completely worn out by the end of the two hours!  There is such a difference between teaching 5th graders and preschool!!  You have to stay so animated for these little guys or you will lose their focus, and you better be prepared for every craft because they have no patience to wait for you!  And the much singing...I'm just really glad there is no other adult with me to witness my horrid singing.  I admire people who teach preschool full's hard work!  Thankfully, I have 5 weeks to recover until I do it again!
My kids have Fall break starting tomorrow so I'm trying to think of some fun things to do.  Unfortunately the weather isn't looking too good.  We shall see.

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