Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Last lift ride.

Last Friday we went on our last lift ride before the ski season and boy was it was chilly!  Fall is definitely in the air!  Usually they separate our family and put only three to a lift...but I kinda pleaded with the lifties and they caved.  I'm glad too, because we all needed to cuddle up to stay warm!

So, other than the lift ride at Sundance, an outing to the park and church...that pretty much sums up or long weekend.  The weather was kinda crummy which didn't help motivate us to go anywhere. So I wish I could say if was a peaceful, relaxing weekend at home...but not so much...the kids were bouncing off the walls!!  So really the weekend was loud and chaotic...but kids were happy and that's what counts right?  Anyway, after five days at home, it was good to get two of them back in school.

This week has been busy.  The kids Halloween costumes are super simple this year, but for what ever reason I'm having trouble locating certain things.  So that's kinda been my mission lately.  That and preparing the kids' skiing/snow apparel...trying to figure out what can be handed down and what we need to buy.  It never fails...the first snow fall sneaks up on me, and then when the kids run out to play in it they can't find any of their gear!  Or have things that don't fit!  One year I missed my window at buying snow boots for Haley and she went all winter wearing a pair of rain boots instead.  But I think I'm building a pretty good collection of things now, so the younger kids will be set!

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