Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Catching up...again.

My blogging has been pretty sparse lately!  My life has been super crazy this month...I'm constantly running around somewhere, or trying to desperately catch up on house stuff when I am home, so blogging has taken a back seat.  

Something on my mind.  So you know how you (I'm referring to me, I just hope you go through this too) constantly fight the battle of keeping your house clean and organized and, well, perfect?  And with kids, it's pretty much a losing battle?  One of the things that bring a little bit of peace of mind is the fact that kids just WILL NOT remember what the house looked like when they get older, but they'll remember all the happy things that went on growing up.  When I get overwhelmed that's always a comforting thought to me.  I have a quote on a shelf in my house that says, "Good moms have sticky floors, dirty ovens and HAPPY kids."  I'm not a very organized person, I have clutter, our yard is a mess, I have toys everywhere, my laundry is overflowing and so on...I am lucky if I just maintain...taking on projects or big jobs put me back weeks and weeks with plain old household chores.  BUT, don't get me house isn't scary or anything!  It's just lived in (with four children).  

Anyway, lately Haley has been very concerned with the house, garage and yard.  

This kinda bothers me.

The kids play at other people's houses and Haley is starting to compare our home with others...this bothers me even more!  

Haley and Morgan like to play at a neighbor's house.  These people are a retired couple with the most immaculate house you will every see!!  They have WHITE carpet for heaven's sake!!  I'm was terrified to walk on it when I first visited there!  And it blows my mind that they are cool with Haley and Morgan playing over there!  Also, Haley has a friend that has a "cleaner house than ours" (Haley's words).  

We had a heavy duty chat with Haley last night about her concerns.  I explained that the retired couple HAVE NO CHILDREN living there, so it's easier to keep clean.  As for her friend, well, I don't know...some moms are just better at housework than others.  But I mainly tried to stress that Haley is loved, she's happy, and she has a warm and cozy home to come home to everyday!  We are all doing our best, and one day perhaps Ryan and I will catch up on all the things that need to be done around the house.  

I think she felt better...but I'm pretty crushed inside.  I just had no idea a child would care about these things!!  

So I guess I can't really find comfort in the idea that kids won't remember...darn.

Anyway, that's my little story for the day.  And just a side note...Haley helps a lot with cleaning up the house and her room is always spotless!  I just need her to relax a little...especially when there are two little major mess makers living with us (Piper and Rory)!  

Here's a few pictures of the month so far.

Blurry picture of the girls at Sundance.
We had our first fire this month!!
I love picking up the girls from school this time of year.  The weather is perfect and the colors are beautiful!  I love letting the girls play while listening to the high school marching band practice in the field.
Piper is loving her preschool!
Last week we went on a little scavenger hunt on the BYU campus.
 Piper went to her first Princess Birthday Party for a friend last week.
She had a ball!

Well, happy Wednesday!

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