Friday, October 25, 2013

Everyday Life

During the Summer our Wednesday nights consisted of the weekly mountain bike series...and now, our Fall Wednesday nights consists of the P-Town Cross race series where we cheer on Ryan.  I hand it to people who do cross, it's tough!  I definitely prefer mountain biking!  The weather has been quite nice, and there's a park right next to the course so it's pretty nice to watch the race and watch the kids at the same time.  

It's that time of year again!
I've been sewing up a few (very simple) pieces for the girls costumes...hopefully they turn out okay.
I've been working with a lot of fake looks like a cat has a very serious shedding problem in my craft room!  Fur is EVERYWHERE!

These two have been keeping me busy in the day.
 Piper has always been my more mischievous child.  Just today she watched Tangled and has soon as it was over she insisted that I cut her hair.  She had a pretty big fit when I told her I wouldn't do it.  After a while she calmed down and then very sweetly said, "I'm going downstairs to play".  Hmmmm...sounded like she was up to something so I secretly followed her.  Sure enough, she crept into the craft room and got a pair of scissors.  As she turned around she jumped when she saw me standing in the doorway.  I didn't even have to say anything...she dropped the scissors, burst into tears and ran to her room.  I just can't imagine what she would have done to her hair had I not been there.

And then later this afternoon as I vacuuming upstairs she got upset because I wouldn't let her play in the front yard alone.  After much screaming and crying she quietly goes downstairs.  I asked where she was going, and she said "Oh, I'm just going to lay on the couch."  Hmmmm, yeah right!  She thinks I'm not paying attention...but I watch her (without her knowing) and sure enough she creeps out the front door.  But this time she pulls Rory into it!  When I go grab her she tries to blame it on her!!  Nice try!

You gotta watch that girl!

This weekend we have Trick-or-Treating at the shops near our house and Trunk-o-Treat at our church.  A little "dress rehearsal" for the actual Halloween night!

Have a good weekend!

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