Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend Review: Good times and not so good times.

Saturday I hit up yoga in the morning and by the time I got home I wasn't feeling so good.  I didn't have any appetite and had to lay down when Rory was napping.  After a little shut eye I felt a lot better and cranked out the rest of the girls' costumes for our church trunk or treat that night.  As for me...the viking costume got pulled out again.  

What do you think?  Am I close to pulling off Largertha's look?
 I had to get a close up of my hair.  I thought it was pretty poofy, but now seeing the real Largertha I could have gone much bigger!

I think the girls' costumes came out pretty darn good!!  
And they loved them...well, except for Rory.
Dog, Cat, Mouse, and Cheese.
Rory absolutely hated her costume and pretty much refused to wear it.  Darn.

The Trunk or Treat was a lot of fun!  Oh, and Ryan went as Zorro, but somehow he managed to escape any photos!

Later that evening I wasn't feeling so good again...and yep, I launched later that night.  What the heck?!  How is it that I get sick before a kid does?!  So weird.  I hope it was just a random illness and everyone else will be spared...please!  Anyway, whatever it was, it was short lived because I felt much better the next day!  I know you are very glad I shared that with you.  And no, I'm not pregnant...because I know that's what you were all thinking!

Anyway, in other news...on Sunday Piper learned how to ride her two wheel!!  It didn't take her any time at all and she absolutely loves it!  It was getting late and she would NOT stop and come inside for dinner.  We finally bribed her with some candy.  I know, kinda messed up...but we were getting desperate!  

Happy Monday!

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