Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween wrap-up.

Our Halloween was a lot of fun...the kids had a ball and we now have candy up to our eyeballs in this house.  And no, we are not one of those families who get rid of it all the day after Halloween.  It's all about moderation people.  I remember my candy lasting FOREVER when I was a kid and my kids do the same...well, except for Piper.  She would eat her entire bucket of candy in one sitting if she could!  I gotta watch that girl!  So it's not uncommon for my girls to have Halloween candy lasting until after Thanksgiving.

So yeah, back to Halloween.  I walked to pick up the girls from school wearing a little red wig...just wanted to see what kind of reaction I would get from them.  Morgan didn't even notice me standing about 10 feet from her.  When I called out her name she did a double take at me and then said "Mom??  What happened?!"  I pretty much had her believing that it was my real hair....that girl is so gullible!  

Side story:  The night we carved our pumpkins, Morgan asked if she could eat one of the seeds raw.  I said sure but she may start growing a pumpkin in her belly!  She decided not to eat it, but was terrified because she ate one earlier.  I told her I was kidding and not to worry.  Later when we were getting the kids to bed Ryan found a pumpkin seed in her hair.  I said, "Oh, wow Morgan!  You are starting to grow pumpkins out of your head!!"  I DID NOT get the "ha ha" reaction I thought I would.  She went into absolute freak out mode!  She truly thought she was growing pumpkins out of her head.  Poor thing.  Bad mommy moment for me.  

I should have known, as Morgan has always been that way.  Like the time she was terrified that trees would fall over at the slightest breeze.  Or the time she was convinced that every time she flushed the toilet it was going to clog.  Or the time I told her if she left her mouth wide open a fly would land on her tongue...I think she still believes that one will happen.  Oh my we love that girl!

Okay, seriously, back to Halloween.
My lovely, red wig.

Jeffy, excuse me Richie Tenenbaum hung out with me while I passed out candy...which turned out to be all of 10 kids (it seemed anyway).  It's tradition that Ryan takes the kids out trick or treating...and they always cover some serious ground!

I pretty much failed at getting pictures of the girls.  But they looked exactly the way they did on the night of our trunk or treat...cute!  And Rory even wore her cheese outfit (minus the hat) willingly!  It think she discovered that if she put that thing on she would be given girl.

Piper's turn with the wig...what a doll!

Hope ya'll have a great weekend!

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