Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Few more from Halloween.

Found these on my phone from last week.

Piper had a little Halloween party at her preschool...they dressed up in their costumes and did a little song for the parents.  I love how all the girls are doing the hand motions and the boys are just like, "whatever".
 My good friend had my family over for dinner the night before Halloween.  We had the kids decorate cookies and they also played the "Donut on the string game" (I'm not sure what it's called, but it's pretty darn funny watching the kids try to eat donuts without using their hands!)  Needless to say they were covered in icing after.

I love how confused Rory looks...I'm sure she's wondering why they aren't using their hands.

Tonight I'm solo with the kids...Ryan has an event he needed to work at.  I totally took the girls to Del Taco for dinner.  I only went there because I had four free kid meal coupons compliments of our dentist office.  I bought four extra tacos along with the kid meals and so our dinner was a whopping $2.50 (or something like that).  And let me say...there is a reason their tacos are only 59 cents...they taste like crap.

And speaking of the dentist...I had to take Morgan in this morning to get two cavities filled.  She handled it just fine, but the poor thing had numb mouth for a while.  She said she didn't mind going back to school...she really wanted to be there for lunch because Haley was working in the cafeteria today.  But oh my, I felt so bad dropping her off...her little numb mouth and all.  Luckily it was an early out today so she only had a couple of hours left at school.  But I still felt guilty.  She's a trooper.  She was all smiles when I picked her up so I guess everything was okay.

Haley is next week to get one cavity filled...we'll see if she feels the same about going back to school after.  Somehow I don't think she'll be so cool with it.

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