Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Yard Work

Piper playing with one of her besties.

My blogging form hasn't been too good lately...but I'll tell you why.  Yard work....oh, so much yard work.  
This picture really doesn't do it justice.  But really, I have been in the yard working more this past week than I have all summer.  That's pretty sad really...sad, but true.  I'm covered with little microscopic prickers that I don't think I'll ever get out, and I think I've ruined a pair of pants.  But the highlight was when I was tilling the garden and came across a mouse den complete with live mouse!  Yeah, it scurried out from beneath the tiller blades (how it survived, I have no idea) and went straight onto my foot.  The scream that came out of me one might think the rototiller ran over my leg!  I screamed and ran (yes, leaving the tiller running by itself in the middle of the garden).  The mouse got away, and I eventually went back to tilling...very carefully!

So yeah, yard work...I still have the entire backyard to do and a small portion of the front yard.  It's endless!!  But the weather has been so lovely, it's been nice to soak up the sun!  I love this time of year!

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