Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

Wowee...what a week!  I've been crazy busy over here...hence the lack of posts!  I've worked everyday since Christmas so that has been taking up my days and then hanging out with the family in the evenings so I haven't had a chance to catch up...on anything!  I'm really enjoying work, although I do go through quite a bit of guilt being away from my family...but I won't be working this much once the holidays are over.  

Anyway...back to Christmas!  By the way...I did have Christmas Eve and Christmas off...which was a very much needed break!  Being a ski instructor has got to be one of the most grueling jobs!  Picking up children, lugging skis, hiking up the tow hill...bottom line...it's a work out!  But that's a post for another day.

Okay, back to Christmas...again.  We had so much fun!  I just love Christmas!!  The girls were super excited and Haley woke up several times throughout the night "to check to see if it was morning."  So needless to say Ryan and I didn't have to best sleep...but that is to be expected the night before Christmas.  We woke up with Haley and Morgan pacing in our room around 6:30 and we got the little ones up about 6:50.  Not too bad.  

Santa Came!!
(Please excuse that blanket on the couch...I wished I moved it before I took the picture.  It's for a sneaky dog that likes to sleep on the couch.)

The girls with their Christmas jammies that they opened Christmas Eve.
When Piper wears hers I want to shout out, "What does the fox say?!"  

Some things Santa brought...
Haley and Morgan:  ski helmets and goggles, doll wardrobe (perfect for their American Girl doll clothes and accessories), legos and new books.
Piper and Rory: Play-Doh, Duplos and a new book.

 After opening presents we had our traditional breakfast of monkey bread, sausages and eggs...nom, nom, nom!  Later that afternoon my family came over for a ham dinner.  We were especially lucky not only to have my mom and dad in town, but my other brother Andrew too!  So I was able to have my whole family together at the same time!!  I just loved having everyone together!

At one point in the evening we had a massive dart gun fight!
The pictures just doesn't do it justice as it was a pretty crazy affair...seriously...it was nuts.

 The girls with their cousin Jett.
I love how the majority of my children are still wearing their jammies from the morning.
 My dad and a couple of my brothers, Matt and Andrew.

And last but not least...my crazy family.
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!  Tonight we are gathering at my parents' house for New Year's Eve!  We'll see how late my children can go before they have complete meltdowns!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

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