Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve!

I hope I'm not the only one with children who are going absolutely crazy...seriously, it's hyper city around these parts!  And this time of year also increases the volume in which my children speak...and with an already loud house, you can imagine how it is now!  I feel bad for the people who stop by...they are bombarded with my children telling (which feels like they're yelling because they are talking so darn loud) about every decoration in the house and showing (or shoving in our guests' faces) their Christmas Eve presents.  But even with all the craziness...I'm super giddy about Christmas!!  Christmas is ten times better with children!  Truly, it is.

I worked four days straight this week...I get Christmas Eve and Christmas off, and then I'm back at it on Thursday.  It's been fun...I've worked with mainly 4-5 year olds which is a hoot.  

Selfie on the lift.  
Don't worry, I wasn't in a lesson when I took this.

We've been getting a few snow showers here and there which is nice...we'll have a white Christmas for sure!
I can't help but cringe when I look at this picture...how is this my child?

The girls have already skied a few times with Ryan.  They may even go today...gotta wear these kids out somehow!!
 And Piper loves her little skis...she tromps around the front yard in them.

And finally...did you watch the season finale of Survivor Blood vs. Water???
Yep...he did it!
Our very own Tyson Apostol won!!
Totally weird watching someone that's been in my very own house on TV.  And to see his family in the audience, the very same people we saw every Wednesday night at the Mt. Bike Series.  Kinda fun!
So happy for him!

Well, it's time for me to get to baking!  We'll be spending Christmas Eve at my brother's house and then I'll be hosting Christmas dinner here.  Better get busy!

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!

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