Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Instagram and a Party

Last Sunday afternoon...sitting by the fire, playing with Legos in our jammies.

Months ago I joined Instagram, posted one picture to it, then never returned to it...until now.  I decided to give it another go.  I'm definitely a newbie, but I think it would be fun to post a picture everyday...or try to anyway (I would not be surprised if I only last a week, or a day for that matter), but like I said, I'll try.  Follow along if you if like!  I added my link to the sidebar.

Last night Ryan and I went to Sundance's all employee "After the Holidays" Party.  We got a babysitter and everything!  I'll add that last night marked the very first time Ryan and I have ever had a babysitter...a real, paid by the hour babysitter.  Crazy huh?!  We have always had family or friends watch our kids.  I was pretty nervous I'll admit, but I'm happy to report that everything went smooth sailing...I think anyway.  Everyone was alive and well, and our house was still I call that a win!  I figure since our babysitter has 6 (and another is on the way) younger siblings, she's probably seen it all!  And she could probably handle what ever is thrown at her.  

So anyway, yeah, it was fun to get dressed up and hang out with other adults, eat pretty good food, listen to the big man himself (Robert Redford) give a little tribute to a retiring employee and get a chance to win some pretty awesome prizes (unfortunately I went home empty handed...bummer).  But all in all, a pretty fun night.

I worked on Monday, and taught two five year olds that had never touched a pair of skies before how to ski...this was probably the hardest lesson I have ever had so far.  Hard in that it was physically hard!  I've had little four or five year olds before (all the time in fact), but never two at the same time.  And I'm happy to report that I had those two skiing wedge turns by the end of that two hours...go me!  It gets me excited to get Piper out there soon!  I think she'll do awesome!

Now, pray for more snow...we need it up there!

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