Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Family Ski Day

 I had to work yesterday morning (yesterday was a holiday so the kids had off school), but I was able to get the afternoon off!  So we took advantage of the sunny warm weather and Ryan brought the all the girls up for some skiing.  Now we have never ALL skied at the same time before.  Usually the little ones have to stay home with Ryan or me.  So this was no small task to get everyone on the mountain!  And it meant that Rory had to be in the pack, also not easy.

Let me add that when Ryan and I moved here and went skiing we saw several parents who put their little ones in a pack and skied.  We thought this was absolutely crazy and borderline child abuse.

10 years later...here we are.

But you know...it's so great!  We had the best time having everyone together!  And I'll add that Ryan was very cautious even though he had Rory yelling in his ear to go faster.  

This marked the very first time Piper has skied and I was so impressed!  She took to it so well, even throwing in some dance moves on her way down.  What a ham.

It was such a fun afternoon...we'll have to do more often now that we know we can do it!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are amazing for taking everyone skiing! The girls look so thrilled!
