Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jeffy's Birthday.

I'm sorry to report that we haven't had a single bit of snow since the last post...so sad.  However, we're expecting a storm this week...fingers crossed!  
The view from the top of back mountain at Sundance...my house is down there in the valley somewhere.

This week we celebrated Jeffy's birthday, and I made this bad boy.

I've made it now for the last several years on his birthday, so I guess this cake has become a bit of a tradition now.

The cake turned out super yummy...and it's a good thing too because I totally spaced on the soup that I served that night and forgot to the beans in it!  Yeah, I forgot to put the beans in my Ham/Bean Soup!  How did I let that happen?!  You would think I could get one of my favorite soups right!  Oh well.

Not much else to report...just a little update to let everyone know I'm alive and well.

Happy Tuesday!

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