Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Everyday Life

It's amazing how much mess these two little ones can make in a day...or in five minutes.

Ryan doing dishes in the evening, as he does every evening.  I'm so thankful...I'd much rather do the cooking (aka: make the mess) than clean up.  We make a good team that way.

Haley and Morgan spent a good chunk of time making videos on Ryan's computer...seriously, hours...and they have the videos to prove it.  There must be around 30 videos and who knows how many photos they took on that thing!  They have really been into Webkinz lately and I think they were creating "How to take care of your Webkinz" videos and "How to navigate the Webkinz website".  I may have to post one for your entertainment.

I'm hurting today.  I just finished four days straight of ski lessons (most of which little ones around the age of 5).  My left knee, ankle and foot are so sore.  I'm not sure if it's from the constant backward skiing in a wedge that's causing it or not...but let's just say that I'm glad I have three days off before I work again.

Speaking of lessons...I had a doozy last night.  Two five year old boys.  Let's just say, after an hour on the tow handle we attempted the chair lift in which one kid almost didn't make it on and another almost got on the chair alone...luckily the lifty stopped the chair in the nick of time so I could regroup them and try again.  And I won't even begin to tell you how we looked getting off the chair...it wasn't pretty.  And then finally on the hill one kid decides to go warp speed going completely out of sight and nearly taking out a dozen other skiers and a "Slow" sign in the middle of the run.  And one of them nearly went off the edge of a run into a very steep section and I basically had to ski to catch him and carry him out.  And lucky me...all of these incidents were witnessed by their dads who were skiing for the evening...and to top it off one of the dads captured it all on his GoPro.  Lovely.

I've had lots of four and five (and a few three) year olds on the hill, but never at the same time.  It's a whole new experience!  These two little boys nearly gave me a heart attack the entire time.  And it didn't help having their dads right there either!!  But it all ended well thankfully.  I think their dads were just thrilled that their kids were actually skiing and loving it!  No tears = success!

Now, I'm playing catch up...lots of laundry and cleaning to do.
Happy Tuesday!

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