Thursday, March 27, 2014

Let me sum up.

"Let me, there's too much.  Let me sum up."  Can anyone guess what movie that's from?

Anyway, let me sum up what's been happening around here.  I've been a bit of a slacker with my posts lately! 
We've had amazing weather lately!
The little ones having a picnic with their daddy.

We even grilled the other day...lovely.

And then yesterday this happened.
 And it has continued today as well.  But I don't care, in fact I'm kinda glad since there is still a couple of weeks of the ski season I'd rather have the snow.  In fact Ryan and I are heading up to Sundance tonight for their employee only ski night!  Can't wait!

Earlier this week Piper lost her beloved Pooh Bear.  We knew for sure it was either at our house or the neighbor's (she was playing over there with it)...but we couldn't find it for the life of us!  We went to the neighbors on three different occasions to look for it, and of course I turned our house upside down.  Finally, yesterday I decided to look one last time in our neighbor's yard, in particular their sheds.  Luckily we have wonderful neighbors and they didn't roll their eyes at our consistent snooping around.  But our consistent snooping payed off!!  I finally found it in one of the sheds!!  After three days of Pooh Bear missing, Piper was very happy to see him again!
It's amazing how even adults get so attached to their kids stuffed animals...or is that just me?

Also this last weekend we had a Frozen movie night.

And my kids have watched it approximately 257 times since then.

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