Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What we're watching.

Because I know you are all dying to know how Ryan and I spend our evenings.  Granted, we have to wait until the day after any TV show airs (since we don't have cable) and watch it on HULU.  We have this routine...put the kids to bed, I take a quick shower, and then we cozy up on the couch with our laptop and watch something.  But let us not forget the dozen or so times that a kid will come downstairs for something, or be loud in their beds, or need water, or need to go potty, or need a tissue, or want another hug and kiss...or whatever.  Never a dull moment.  

Anyway, so what we've been loving.

 I mentioned this show last season...and I love it just as much this season.
And we all know my love of Lagertha, and how much I think she resembles my inner bad ass.  Although, she plays a smaller part this season which is really too bad.  

Amazing Race: All Stars
 I'm sure we'd watch this show regardless, but it's much more fun to watch a show with someone you know...or someone Ryan knows anyway.  The father and son team, Conner and Dave (they're in the yellow) are from Utah and are widely known within the cycling community out here. They played before, but had to drop out because of an injury.  So naturally we're rootin' for them this time!

 This has been a long time favorite...although they're kinda dropping the ball this season and the writing has taken a turn I think.  In particular the separation of Joel and Julia...which I think was way out of their characters!  We need to see more couples work things out instead of just giving up.  So they better turn things around!  But I still love the show...I'm a glutton for punishment I guess.

 We're big fans.
I would even love to be on this show if it wasn't for the whole "no toilet" thing.

The Goldbergs
 This is by the far the best family sitcom on the air right now.  
This is how family sitcoms should be!  None of this Modern Family crap.
And being a (young) child of the 80's myself I can relate to a lot of it. 
 I think it's hilarious.

And of course Saturday Night Live is another favorite.
We also finished up Mad Men season 6 on DVD recently...so good!
Oh, and my brother gifted us the first season of Supernatural, but it scares me so we haven't watched passed the first episode.  I know, I'm a wimp.

So there you have it...what we're watching.

1 comment:

  1. Joel and Julia have separated!! What?! That makes me sad. We can't get HULU or Netflix here, so I haven't watched Parenthood in several seasons. Sigh. I loved that show.
