Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekend Review

Sundance ski season has come to a close.  Kinda bittersweet for me...I'll miss working with my brother and all the great people I've met, but I'm ready to get back to regular weekend routine and catch up on everything else I've let slide through the cracks.  It got pretty hectic some weeks that's for sure!
Riding the lift up for our last early morning clinic.  I'll miss getting those first tracks Saturday mornings! 

We had a little fun on Saturday (since there were no lessons) and several of us skiers did some snowboarding for the morning.  And some of us (such as myself) have NEVER done it before.  
 My first run wasn't pretty...actually my second run wasn't much better.  But it was all good fun.

Taking in the view one last time.

And then on Saturday night my cousin Travis and his family gave us a visit.  They were in town from Texas.  We had never even met his two you can see it had been way too long!

Travis, me and my brothers Matt and Jeff.
I'm feeling very short in this picture!  How is this my family?!  What happened in my genetics that they skipped the tall gene?!
 And finally Sunday we had one last ski day as a family.
And I'm happy to report that there were no tears and everyone had a blast!

And one last video for your entertainment...I just can't get enough of her skiing!

This week we're kicking off the girls Spring Break!  
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

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