Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Weekend Review

Doesn't this picture crack you up?
It does me...I can't help but laugh every time I look at it.
I think they did a pretty darn good job at looking terrified...but then, these kids are two of the most dramatic people I know, so then again, I guess it's just second nature to them.

We had a very nice weekend!  Ryan's mom and her husband came for a long weekend visit.  And shame on me, I didn't get enough pictures...or really any for that mater!  I think I'm hoping to high jack some of theirs when ever I get a chance.  So in the meantime, enjoy this picture of the girls at the Museum of Ancient Life.

So here are some highlights to the weekend:
* Friday Ryan and I ran the annual 5K with Haley and Morgan while the grandparents kept an eye on the little ones and cheered us on.  Unfortunately, Ryan tripped pretty hard early on in the run and finished with a skinned up knee and very swollen ankle.  

*  Dinner at PF Changs after a very annoying wait of an hour and a half!!  You would think arriving at 5:30 we wouldn't have any wait...wrong.  Luckily there was a playground nearby so the kids were able to stay busy.

*  Saturday we hit up the Museum of Ancient Life.  The weather was on the chilly side so this was a perfect outing!  

*  BBQ'ed hamburgers Saturday night.

*  Sunday I woke up to some lovely little cards and fresh picked flowers (from our yard) from Haley and Morgan.  Also, Haley whipped up a bagel with peanut butter and a banana for me to eat.  

*  Went to church and listened to the girls sing for Mother's Day.

*  And that night we had ice cream sundaes while we watched Frozen (the grandparents hadn't seen it yet).  Luckily, we just can't get enough of it!

Monday morning grandma and grandpa left after walking the girls to school.  It was a really great visit...although it would have been a bit better if the weather was warmer!  Ryan also left Monday morning for CO...he'll be there all week.  So here I am...holding down the fort.

Happy Tuesday.

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