Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Weekend Review

It seems blogging has taken a back seat lately...the days have just gotten away from me.  And can you believe that the girls only have two more weeks of school?!  

So anyway, these are a few things that we've been up to...in no particular order.

We planted two trees in the backyard...because heaven knows we need more.  (17 total now...I think)  Actually I didn't plant them, Ryan did.  I just stood there and pointed to where they should go...oh, wait, I did help lower them into the holes.  We're trying to create a bit more privacy between our neighbors...and shade for our patio.

The little ones, playing in water every chance they get.

Jeffy and I were able to squeeze in some mountain biking this weekend.  We explored some trails that I'm not as familiar with...I only fell once...good times.

Piper riding her "big bike" to pick up the girls from school.

I've started painting again!  This time I'm focusing on the upstairs...the girls' rooms in particular.
I started with Piper and Rory's room.  That room through the hallway is our very boring spare room...one day I'll tackle that room too!

Morgan with her bestie...I tell ya, they are just about connected at the hip.  And the best part...she lives right around the corner from us.  If Morgan looks glammed up, it's because she had just returned from a Princess party.

 And last but not least, Ryan and Haley went on a daddy-daughter ride over the weekend.
Hopefully we can get her out more the summer!
So, that's kind of what we've been up to.
 Now, back to it!  Happy Tuesday!

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