Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Making progress... room at a time.
 Remember way back when I told you I was painting Piper and Rory's room?  Well, I finished...actually finished a while ago and finally got around to taking pictures.  Actually, let's be honest this room still needs a bit of work (new blinds, more artwork on one bare wall...and perhaps a bunk bed eventually), but I'm making progress!

I painted the room Sugar Plum from Benjamin's the perfect light lilac color.  I bought some fabric from a discount fabric place and sewed the curtains myself (kinda proud of that!)  The elephant picture my artist brother, Andrew, painted (it's an oil on canvas and I still need to get a frame for it), and I think it looks pretty darn good in there!

My mom and I made these circle things (what do you call these anyway??) from fun scrapbook paper. 
I think they turned out pretty's a cheap way to decorate an empty wall.
 So yeah...I'm pretty pleased.

As far as Haley and Morgan's room.... currently looks like this.

I've spent the last few days ripping down all the wallpaper that was in there...ugh...what a chore!  I have vowed that will NEVER put up any wallpaper in this house...I don't want to go through that again!  So now hopefully I will get in all painted this week, and Haley and Morgan won't have their bunk in the middle of the room anymore.

So a little home improvement here and there...making progress.  Oh, and I'm still working with Rory and the whole potty training thing...which, by the way, she's doing pretty super, for the most part (maybe an update on that another day).  

Happy Wednesday ya'll.

Monday, June 9, 2014

The time has come.

Potty training for Rory...the time has come.  She's been showing signs that she's ready ever since she turned two in December, but I, however was NOT ready.  I think winter sounds like a real drag to potty train a kid.  I love utilizing the outdoors when a kid is running around bare bottom.

So Day One:  It started off great!  She was thrilled about her new panties and little potty and even peed in it right off the get-go!  I was feeling really great!  What an all-star mom I am!!  Wrong.  About an hour later she decided that she hated the potty and no amount of otter pops or M&M's were getting her on it!  And because I had given her about 10 cups of Crystal Light, the girl HAD to go in a bad way!  So this resulted in the biggest fit ever and her sad little face begging for her diaper.  I held strong...even though I so badly wanted to just throw in the towel that very moment and get her the darn diaper!  She finally gave in (although screaming the entire time) and peed on the potty.  Hallelujah!  

Later in the evening she decided to appease me a little and at least sit on the potty and try...although nothing happened, I'll take it.  I'm sure she peed in the tub when I gave her a bath later though.  Whatever.  

Tomorrow the battle continues.  Wish me luck.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

So far this summer....

...we've been out for ice cream and then walked to the duck pond.
 There were so many baby ducks!  
You almost want to scoop one up and take it home...almost.
 A lot of outside play in the sprinklers.
Sometimes in their swimsuits, sometimes in their clothes.
 In the winter I had jackets laying all over the place.  Now, I have beach towels and swimsuits  EVERYWHERE!

We've been going on morning rides/walks these past couple days.  Haley usually rides further on her own or with Morgan and then catch up to where we are.  Piper rides her bike while I walk with Rory in the stroller.  We're quite a sight and I'm usually barking orders like "Stay to the right!!!"  "Do NOT cross that white!!!"  Yeah...good times.

And of course we have to see the horses when ever we go out!
 Luckily there are two pastures nearby, so we can see horses from both directions of our house.
I just love how rural our town still is!  I hope it stays that way and they don't start selling off the land and building houses on sad would that be!
 Haley is obsessed with a YouTube channel called SoCraftastic. Her latest craze now is making little charms with polymer clay.  She follows along or comes up with her own ideas...I think she and Morgan have made about 50 little charms now.  Okay, maybe not...but it's getting there.  Don't you just love YouTube!
 And also this week, the girls have eaten tons and tons of Popsicles.

But then, it's just not summer if you don't have sticky hands and stained lips (and clothes) from Popsicles.  That's what the sprinklers are for....right?  Or the irrigation ditch.  Easy bathing. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy Birthday to my one and only!

Happy Birthday to this guy!
My one and only!

By the way...a no handed track stand is not easy...what a stud.

Miss you bunches!

Sunday, June 1, 2014


School is officially out for summer.
I know I'm going to feel overwhelmed with all the kids home everyday, especially since Ryan will be gone this entire week.  What bad will be a rude awakening for me.  But we'll work out a system for the summer...we always do.  Things like chores, summer homework, and reading...yeah, the kids will love it. (ha, ha)  Wish me luck.

In other news, I crashed last Wednesday at the Weekly Race bummer.
I'm smiling, but it hurt like the dickens.  It's worse than it looks...honest. And lucky you, you can't see the damage that's been done to my poor hip.
I crashed in one of those places I always ride through and think, "I would hate to crash here."  And then I did.  It's basically all rocks...big, jagged rocks.  I only say that because when I said I fell on rocks, Morgan asked, "Well, were they smooth rocks?"  No, Morgan...not even close.  Good times.

Next Wednesday should be's the biathlon and my dad is thinking about racing! 
Woo Hoo!  Oh, and I placed 9th out of 17 last week!  Maybe I'm getting better??

So here's to the first week of summer!

While Ryan is gone I'll be watching this:
Call the Midwife, season 1.
I've been loving it!
Warning: this is a total chick series.  Don't think you can get your husband or man friend to watch it with you...they would hate it!  You know, the whole just can't handle it.  So yeah, it's the perfect show to watch when Ryan is away.
 He's totally thanking me right now.