Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Making progress... room at a time.
 Remember way back when I told you I was painting Piper and Rory's room?  Well, I finished...actually finished a while ago and finally got around to taking pictures.  Actually, let's be honest this room still needs a bit of work (new blinds, more artwork on one bare wall...and perhaps a bunk bed eventually), but I'm making progress!

I painted the room Sugar Plum from Benjamin's the perfect light lilac color.  I bought some fabric from a discount fabric place and sewed the curtains myself (kinda proud of that!)  The elephant picture my artist brother, Andrew, painted (it's an oil on canvas and I still need to get a frame for it), and I think it looks pretty darn good in there!

My mom and I made these circle things (what do you call these anyway??) from fun scrapbook paper. 
I think they turned out pretty's a cheap way to decorate an empty wall.
 So yeah...I'm pretty pleased.

As far as Haley and Morgan's room.... currently looks like this.

I've spent the last few days ripping down all the wallpaper that was in there...ugh...what a chore!  I have vowed that will NEVER put up any wallpaper in this house...I don't want to go through that again!  So now hopefully I will get in all painted this week, and Haley and Morgan won't have their bunk in the middle of the room anymore.

So a little home improvement here and there...making progress.  Oh, and I'm still working with Rory and the whole potty training thing...which, by the way, she's doing pretty super, for the most part (maybe an update on that another day).  

Happy Wednesday ya'll.

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