Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Visit from Grandpa Barrett

It's been nearly 8 years since the last time we've seen Ryan's dad...yeah, too much time had passed!  The last time we saw him Morgan had just been born!  The amount of children we have doubled since then, and I tell ya...they gave him a run for his money!  Things are a bit...lets say...well, crazy since the last time he's been in our household.  But all in all, I think he had a great time catching up with the kids, and they loved every bit of it!

Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum on the "Y" campus...or "Bean" museum for short.  

We also took a drive to Cascade Springs.

We also had a picnic at Sundance, went out for Pizza one night, hosted a BBQ with my parents and brother's family another night and walked to the park with the dogs in there too.  After a couple of days of go, go, go we decided to relax on Sunday before he flew out of town Monday morning.  I think he needed a day of doing nothing after all that.

It seems my blogging form has taken a hit since summer came around.  Truth is, summer is kicking my butt!  I just can't seem to catch up on anything lately.  I did finally paint Haley and Morgan's room, however I still need to paint the closet and finish the trim.  The older girls have been taking tennis lessons these past couple weeks and we've also been going to a neighbor's pool around the corner quite often to swim. Rory has had a fever these past two days, so she's been needing some extra attention.  And potty training...oh, potty training. So much to catch up on! One day at time I guess.

Happy Tuesday!

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