Monday, July 7, 2014

So, how's potty training going you ask?

Well, it's been about a month I think now and she has done bang up job!  In fact she pretty much grasped the whole concept that first week.

However, if I have to complain...which I will...I will say that she loves to call "bluff" when she says she has to go potty, which results in taking her to the potty about 100 times more a day than I should have too...seriously.  Like when we're in the store she'll say she has to go (most likely when I'm at the furthest point away from the bathrooms), and I'll say "Are you sure?".  And she'll be all frantic like she's going to have an accident, so I rush with my cart full of groceries and take her just to sit her on the potty and her to say, "Oh, nothing is coming out."  Great.  Thanks a lot Rory.  Now times that by like 10 for every hour and then that's pretty much my day.  It's a miracle if she says she has to go, and then she actually does go.

Also, we have discovered that this girl does NOT like pit toilets.  She refers to them as "Eww Potties" and will not go in them, as of yet anyway.  She is her mother's daughter, that's for sure!

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