Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Or also known as the Super Moon...but somehow our family has adopted the name Mega-Moon instead.
So did you see it last weekend?  It was pretty spectacular!
We enjoyed it from Sundance on the lift...and boy did we time it perfectly!  By the time we got off the lift to go home the crowds were crazy!!  And lucky for us they let our family on the same chair!  Sometimes they split us up, and that's no fun.  However, Haley and Morgan have already requested sitting on their own chair next time...boo hoo, they're growing up.

I tried to take a picture of the moon, but it didn't look "mega" at all...so you will have to take my word for it, it was very beautiful!

The downfall on the evening...it turned into a very late night.  The girls didn't get to bed until 11 or so and we've all been paying the price since...it's cranky city around here.  It probably hasn't helped that they haven't been to bed before 10 since.  It's probably good that Ryan is out of town this week, there are 5 girls in this house, all with an attitude right now.  It's not pretty.

And now, for you viewing pleasure...
This is Rory trying to ride a Flicker scooter...it's pretty hilarious.

Happy Tuesday!