Thursday, July 17, 2014

Vacation Time!

That's right!  We're heading out of town tomorrow (hopefully early morning) to Lake Arrowhead in California.  And we'll be meeting up with my folks and two of my brothers.  We spent a few days there last year and had so much fun we're staying there our whole trip (a little over a week) this year!  And this year, we'll be celebrating three birthdays that week!!  My brother Andrew, my mom, and there will be no shortage of cake I'm sure!

I'm really looking forward to it!  Ryan has been out of town a lot this past two weeks, and I'm just plain worn out!!  I kid you not, I don't think I went to bed before midnight once these past couple weeks!  I just can't sleep lately!  It's terrible!  

I've been spending my late nights watching Call the Midwife...I finished the second season recently.  How I love that show!!  So good!  You must watch it, if you haven't.  Except if you're pregnant...then I don't recommend it.  Sometimes I even find myself watching it with my legs crossed, cringing....and I'm not pregnant!  But seriously, the characters are wonderful!  Go see it!

And then I watched a few blasts from the past...and I usually complimented them with a very large bowl of ice cream.

Far and Away.
I forgot how much I liked this movie...even with the cheesy ending.

When I watch this movie I think of watching it with my friend Jen...and how sad we were that Uncus dies.
Poor Uncus.

So yeah,  that's what I've been up to in the evenings.  Staying up way to late, eating too much ice cream watching girly shows and movies.  But now Ryan is home!  Today I have much packing up and cleaning to do!  But first, I had to do a blog...and now, I'm off to get my toes done with a friend...and then I'll get busy, honest!  Priorities people!!

Happy Thursday!!

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