Monday, June 9, 2014

The time has come.

Potty training for Rory...the time has come.  She's been showing signs that she's ready ever since she turned two in December, but I, however was NOT ready.  I think winter sounds like a real drag to potty train a kid.  I love utilizing the outdoors when a kid is running around bare bottom.

So Day One:  It started off great!  She was thrilled about her new panties and little potty and even peed in it right off the get-go!  I was feeling really great!  What an all-star mom I am!!  Wrong.  About an hour later she decided that she hated the potty and no amount of otter pops or M&M's were getting her on it!  And because I had given her about 10 cups of Crystal Light, the girl HAD to go in a bad way!  So this resulted in the biggest fit ever and her sad little face begging for her diaper.  I held strong...even though I so badly wanted to just throw in the towel that very moment and get her the darn diaper!  She finally gave in (although screaming the entire time) and peed on the potty.  Hallelujah!  

Later in the evening she decided to appease me a little and at least sit on the potty and try...although nothing happened, I'll take it.  I'm sure she peed in the tub when I gave her a bath later though.  Whatever.  

Tomorrow the battle continues.  Wish me luck.

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