Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lake Arrowhead: Part III

We tried a new hike in Big Bear called Grays Peak...although we never actually made it to the actual peak. But the hike was very beautiful none the less.  It overlooked Big Bear Lake for a bit of it.  Since Rory is still on the small side and Piper is probably the world's worst hiker, (yes, I just said that about my own child...don't worry I say that with much love) we aren't the fastest bunch.  Ryan and I end up piggy backing the little ones for most of it, which makes for a pretty darn good workout.

Piper already in tears in the beginning of the hike.
I'm not worried (much)...she'll come around to love it (I hope).

And yes, you guessed it...we celebrated yet another birthday!!
Little Morgs turned eight!!

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