Thursday, July 31, 2014

Lake Arrowhead: Part IV

Like I said earlier, we spent just about every day at the's just so easy when it's so close...and the kids LOVE it.  We did hike to the village one day to get some lunch, but then we still made it to the lake in the afternoon!  Anyway, we have a couple of kayaks that are good fun to cruise around the lake, but this year some friends loaned us a couple of paddle boards to use for our last weekend.  We had a ball on them!  My mom and I went out on them and I don't think we've laughed so was so fun!  One is quite a bit shorter than the other and when boats coming flying by you really need to have some good balance!

Here's a bunch of random pictures from that day. Enjoy!

Tomorrow will conclude my final set of pictures from the trip.

Happy Thursday!

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