Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ft. Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous

 This year Morgan was again invited to go with their her bestie's family to the Ft. Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous in Wyoming.  So we drove up all together on Saturday and spent the day and then left Morgan there to stay another couple of days.  This was my first time going.  Not sure if you remember, but this is how it played out last year.  So, I was glad everyone was in good health this year and we could all go together!

We borrowed the clothes from our friends (no, Ryan and I did not dress up...sorry folks).  The girls love dressing up for it.  I may even try to sew some outfits for them for next year!

Our friends tent.

 My folks and my brothers (along with my nephew) came too.  The weather started out a little stormy looking and even rained briefly...but then it turned out to be a pretty nice day!

My brother, Jeffy, looking manly.

 Haley in Rendezvous heaven.

It's hard leaving Morgan for multiple days in a completely different state, but I do know that she is taken very good care of and she absolutely loves it!  The house is so different without her, and I'm always thinking, "Where's Morgan?!" whenever we go somewhere.  "Oh yeah, she's at Rendezvous."  I'm glad she gets these special memories...but, oh how we miss her when she's gone!

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