Thursday, September 4, 2014

Labor Day Hike

For a little outing on Labor Day we decided to go up to Sundance to ride the lift...except this time we rode the lift up and then hiked down.  Now, we go to Sundance A's kind of our home away from home, however, we've never hiked down from the lift.  I know, crazy!  Not sure why it has taken us so long to do it, because it's the perfect hike with small's all down hill!  We chose the short route because we needed to be back for a BBQ, but next time I would like to explore a little bit more.
 Notice the fall colors!
Morgan was still having fun at Rendezvous, so we need to get up there again soon so she can join us!

 Not sure what kind of pose Rory is making here.

It was a beautiful day!  And after hiking around we went to my folk's house for a Labor Day BBQ.  It combined as a goodbye dinner too, as my folks have since headed back to LBC...sniff, sniff.  But they'll be back in a couple of months.

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day too!

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