Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Window Well Battle

This is one of my basement windows, in all its dungeony gloriousness.  (Are those even words?  Probably not.)  This particular window has a tendency to flood whenever there is a HEAVY downpour.  It's one of those things that you only think about fixing when it's starting to flood, but then as soon as the sun is out, you think...nah, it doesn't need to be fixed, we're good.  Well, I'm saying this now....it REALLY needs to be fixed!!!

You think we would have fixed it after spending the half the night in the pouring rain filling 5 gallon buckets from this well a few weeks ago.  Yeah, it was quite a sight.  The water seeps in from the sides of the well filling the entire space like a bathtub until it finally surpasses the window itself (I call this the fish bowl effect, because it literally is like being in a fish bowl) and then pours like a faucet from the corner of the window into our basement.  The only saving grace is that this window is in our unfinished part of the house, so the damage (if any) is minor....hopefully.  

You may remember my little adventure with the window well a couple of years ago.
Well, it ended up being more than just a rain gutter problem as you can see.

Well, with all the rain and flooding in AZ and NV, it's no surprise that we got quite a bit as well.  The downpour hit so hard and so fast this morning that I kid you not that well filled within 20 minutes!  And of course this always seems to happen when Ryan is out of town for the week.  Again, I had to lower myself in that thing and carry out 5 gallon bucket after 5 gallon bucket...good times.  Luckily, this time I recruited my neighbor to help me.  And as it turns out he happened to have a pump which we lowered in there to speed up the process!  In fact he left it with me as they were leaving to go out of town for the week.  So you know, just in case.

So my day has consisted of waiting for this darn rain to STOP!!  And checking the window well about every 20 minutes...just in case.

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