Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Masters Nationals

So a couple of weeks ago Ryan raced in the Masters National Championships...his first time racing masters anything (I think).  For those out of the know, masters racing starts at 35 years of age and the categories are divided up 35+, 40+, 45+...you get the idea.  

And just a side note...Ryan has raced all the different Nationals Championships now: Junior, Collegiate, u23, Elite, and Pro...pretty cool.  I'm pretty proud of him.

We were lucky that it was held in Ogden, which is just over an hour away from us.

It was a little crazy watching the race with my kids as Morgan was pretty much a grump the entire time and wasn't getting along with Haley (or anybody for that matter).  At one point Haley and Morgan were fighting on the sidewalk...like boy fighting...hitting and everything!  My sweet girls...fighting...sheesh.  Yes, they do this occasionally at home...but in public?!  It was a little embarrassing to say the least to have to break up my children in a brawl.  And of course there is no denying that they belong to me...the red hair is a dead giveaway.  So, I couldn't just turn and walk the other way and let them figure it out on their own.  Not that I would ever do that.

And then Rory had a major issue with the porta-pots and refused to go the bathroom in them.  She calls them Ew potties.  Anyway, the girl had to go in a bad way so I resorted in having her go behind a dumpster along side the race course.  Good times.

I was able to snap a few pictures of Ryan, and is just me or is he smiling in every one of these?

It was a really nice outing even with grumpy smurf, and we were able to see some S. CA people who made the trek out for the race which was nice.

Oh, and Ryan got 16th...not too shabby for a race he didn't train for at all.
I think he's pretty awesome.

1 comment:

  1. He is smiling because he knows that being in the race is easier than being alone with children at a bike race!
