Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What we're watching.

So last week Ryan was gone for the annual Interbike held in Las Vegas.  As you know when he's gone I like to have some kind of show to watch in the evenings and it's usually some kind of girly show that I know he would hate.  
My new obssesion:
 The Paradise.
It's a BBC show about a small town girl, Denise, working in the first ever Department Store called The Paradise.  If you liked Downton Abbey then you would also love this show!  It's just so, so good!
I have one more show to watch from Season 1 (so don't tell me anything!) and then I think Season 2 airs soon...I think...I hope.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, our TV died several weeks ago.  We got it after we were married (15 years ago!) as a wedding present from our college cycling team, so it had a good run.  We didn't have real channels or anything, we just used it for movies, but sad.  But anyway, not sure how our TV dying is related to us getting Netflix, but that's what happened.  Hulu has been good, but we wanted a little more...and I kid you not Netflix will be the death of me!  The amount of shows are endless!!  How do people keep up?  

So this next show Ryan and I have been slowly working our way through it, one show at a time.  And  since we usually only have time for one show an evening before we're too exhausted to keep our eyes open, getting through a 5 season show takes FOREVER!!  And that's what this next show is, 5 seasons.  I think we're on season 3??  
 Breaking Bad.
I realize that pretty much everyone is aware of this show...I'm a little late to jump on the wagon.  But in my defense we just got Netflix a couple of months ago, so cut me some slack!  So yeah, a chemistry teacher dealing with his diagnosis of lung cancer decides to start cooking meth.  Seems pretty realistic, right?  I know, I know, kind of a weird story line, but it's pretty darn good...and a darn nail bitter at times.  It does have it's share of violence just to throw that out there.

Next up:
Notice I said Borgia and not The Borgias...there is a difference people!!  Borgia is the real European show whereas The Borgias is the Showtime version and not as good.  I haven't seen the Showtime one, but I've read that it isn't done as well and they don't follow the historic accounts.  So yeah, Borgia.  This show follows the Borgia Dynasty, Rodrigo Borgia being the Pope and his three children.  Oh, the scandal!  Again, violent, and (cover your eyes!) nudity.

We're trying to crank these shows out because at the end of this month the Fall shows start!  Some shows we're looking forward too:  Amazing Race, Survivor, and my beloved Parenthood is having it's FINAL season!!  Oh, they better have Joel and Julia get back together!!!  Do you hear me NBC!!  Don't let me down!  And of course we'll having Vikings again too, but I'm not sure when that will start.

So there you have it...what we're watching.
What are you watching?

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