Thursday, September 18, 2014

Weekend Review

Yes, I know I'm doing a weekend review on a Thursday, but you know, better late than never!

Ryan got home Friday night from Vegas and he was pretty worked over.  The week is pretty nonstop for him and it never fails he always comes home with a cold.  So Saturday he was pretty much a zombie...seriously, I would look over at him at he would just be staring off into space...he was probably sleeping...with his eyes open.  But alas, he was a sport and joined us for the annual Chalk the Block event.  Ellie (Haley's bestie) joined us.

 Ellie and Haley.  
I think it's pretty darn sweet that they hold hands.
I hope they remain bosom friends forever.

 Elsa was at Chalk the Block, and I kid you not, every time Piper saw her she had to run up to her, she was in love.

And wouldn't you know it, I didn't get one picture of the chalk art.  Oops.

Sunday was our stake conference for church, so we played hooky and went to the Utah State Fair.

 Morgan was in piggy heaven.  Have I mention that this girl loves pigs?

It was a pretty hot day, so we welcomed some relaxing in the shade whenever we could.

And with all the running around it's never a surprise to see Rory like this every now and then.

Happy Thursday!

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