Monday, October 6, 2014

Bike Racing and a Sunday Drive

I'm so far behind with my blogging!  I've had these pictures sitting in an incomplete draft for the past few weeks...I guess it's time I post them!

Ryan raced in the Utah State I said this was a few weeks ago.  It was held in Ogden, just about the same course as the National Crit was on...if fact, if they have a race in Ogden it's usually on this downtown course, so we know it well.

It was a fun day, and the girls did great!  Ryan placed 7th...not too shabby!

On Sunday, it turned out to be a pretty rainy day, but that didn't stop us to go for a little Sunday drive up the Alpine Loop.  We first stopped at Sundance for little hot chocolate and a treat (the girls of course had Sundance suckers) and then we took off to finish the loop.  The sky cleared a bit and the rained stopped so we could see some of the fall colors.

We took a another stop up Tibble Fork at the reservoir to let the kids play for a bit...

...and skip rocks.
Of course it wasn't long before the kids were wet...they just can't resist water.  And Rory took a fall into the water getting completely submerged!  Luckily I had a change of clothes for her in the car left over from her potty training days...what luck!

And of course it wouldn't be complete without seeing Rory in some kind of weird napping position.

Happy Monday!

 Maybe I'll catch up on everything else that's been going on soon.  But don't hold your breath!

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