Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween Wrap Up

Halloween was a success!  It was a bonus that Halloween landed on a Friday this year!  I'm sure the teachers were grateful for that as well!  

 Ryan decided to create our scarecrow man this year.  At our old house our porch was super small, so when we put this guy on it the kids had to nearly reach around him to ring the bell.  It scared a lot of little kids and they wouldn't even come onto the porch.  I think they thought there was a person in it and he would jump at them if they came to close.  Hee Hee.  But at this house we can stick him off to the side and I think most people didn't even notice him. 
 And here are the girls!
Morgan, a pig.  She loves pigs so much and she insisted that she dressed up as one for Halloween.  The night before Halloween she was nervous about wearing her costume to school because when she told people what she was going to be they laughed.  I explained that they probably don't realize what a pretty pig she was going to be!  The next day, she held her head high (pig nose and all) to school...and sure enough, everyone thought she was cutest pig there ever was!

Haley, a 50's girl.
And the little ones went as Cinderella and Snow White.  They originally wanted to go as Elsa and Ana, but since there was about a gazillion little girls dressed up as them I talked them into the more classic princesses.  They were happy with that!

Ryan took the girls out trick or treating while I stayed back to pass out the candy with this guy.
I love that Jeffy comes to hang out with us every Halloween!  And the weather couldn't have been better!!  We were able to hang out on the porch the entire time the girls were nice!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!!

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