Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Day With Ryan

So yesterday (Friday) Ryan and I pretty much spent the whole day together.  It was pretty awesome.

After taking the girls to school we headed to the driver's licence place because I discovered my licence was a bit overdue (like around 9 months overdue)...yeah, not so good on my part.  When I went to vote last Tuesday and pulled out my licence and I was shocked to see that it had expired...and it was a little embarrassing.  But luckily, I also had my ss card in my wallet, so they gave me a break and let me vote anyway.

So anyway, back to the my drivers licence....because it was over 6 months overdue I had to take the bummer.  Ryan played with the little ones outside while I crammed out a nearly perfect score on my test.  24/25  (Side note:  it was an open book test...I'm not that smart.)  I slipped up on some state law legal jargon or something...I think it was a trick question.

Then we went to lunch...a little unexpected treat for us!
On the way home we (and by we I mean Ryan) washed the car.  See photo above.

The girls had early out and I had conferences with their teachers right after school.  Ryan walked with me there and chilled on the playground with the littles while I handled the meetings.  Good news:  My Morgan is student of the month!!  More on that later.

When we got home Haley was still at her Showstoppers (a musical class she's taking) and Piper was at a friends.  So it was Morgan and Rory left at home.  They were doing pretty good on their own, so Ryan and I took advantage of the slow afternoon and went for a quick jog.  Yes, you heard me right...a jog.  I've been jogging here and there and my knees are holding up pretty well, so I'm going with it.  This marks the very first time Ryan and I have ever jogged together.  It was crazy, and weird...but fun.

I know my children are still young, but on some occasions we have left them home alone.  Not all together mind you...they may kill each other if we did that.  But we have left Haley and Morgan home alone if we have a quick errand to run...a QUICK errand I said.  They usually just watch Netflix and pretty much stay in "TV zone" until we get back.  But I have never left a little one home alone with Haley and Morgan.  So yesterday was our little trial run on that.  But actually Morgan is a very responsible kid and she enjoys keeping an eye on the little ones.  So we gave it a go.  Granted we only gone for about 30 minutes...but it always feels a little weird leaving kids home, also a little nerve wracking and a little liberating and a bit rebellious.  But like a said we had fun...and the kids were just fine.

I made some soup for dinner and after the kids went to bed Ryan and I watched our beloved Parenthood.  (psst...I think Joel and Julia are going to get back together...hallelujah.)

So yeah, that was my Friday Funday with Ryan.  I love his job, and I love how I can sometimes have him all to myself on a weekday!

Enjoy the weekend ya'll!!

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