Monday, November 17, 2014

Our Weekend Away

Months ago Ryan and I planned a little weekend getaway to see a friends wedding.  When we got the okay from my parents and my brother and his wife to watch our kids for us we booked the trip.  We decided it was best to divide our kids up...Haley and Piper stayed with my brother's family, and Morgan and Rory stayed with my parents.  We left Friday morning after the kids went to school.  This is the first time we have been away from our kids for a whole weekend together!!  Two nights...three days!!!  I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous though...and I thought about them A LOT!  Always wondering what everyone was up to.  But the girls did really well (although I think my brother and his wife got very little sleep).  My brother referred to the weekend as a kid's birthday party that never ended.  He has a little five year old of his own, so with my girls added on it can get a little louder than they're probably used to.  I'm extremely grateful to them though.  

Anyway, back to the wedding.  We flew to Phoenix and stayed at the Arizona Biltmore where the wedding was to be held...a pretty big splurge for us to say the least.  

We went to lunch as soon as we arrived Friday afternoon and then went for a little jog along a path right next to the resort.  That evening we got ourselves cleaned up for the cocktail party to meet up with everyone.

Saturday we enjoyed a very leisurely breakfast and then headed to the pool with the our friends.  Later, Ryan and I got dressed fully intending to go for another jog.  Yeah, that never happened for me.  One of my favorite things about the trip was our ability to just lounge around without a worry in the world.  Our conversations were never interrupted...we never felt rushed.  It was bliss.  So instead of jogging we sat on the patio and just enjoyed the wonderful weather...and people watched of course.

The wedding was in the late afternoon/evening.  It was a beautiful ceremony and they had an amazing reception.  Good food, lots of dancing and with fun people!

Sunday we didn't leave for the airport until 1:00, so we had another relaxing morning.  We said our goodbyes and then it was home again, home again.  We went from temps in the 70's to 28 degrees when our plan touched the ground.  What a shock!!  Although, we only have a week until we load up the trunk and head out again to Sedona, AZ for Thanksgiving!  So...I'm planning on nice weather then too.

Yay for weekend getaways!!
Happy Monday!

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