Tuesday, November 18, 2014


The Showstoppers Troupe.  
(Haley is top row, second from the right)

The girls' school has an array of after school programs held on Fridays.  Haley has been dying to be a part of the Showstoppers team (they focus on dancing and singing...Haley's favorites), so this year I signed her up. 

They have been practicing since the beginning of September for their big show and Haley quickly realized how much work goes into one production.  These last few Fridays she has been dragging her feet about going and she was really upset that they still had to go to practice on HALLOWEEN day...oh the horror!  Yeah, she has a bit to learn about practicing and rehearsing for things.  She said to me after one practice about a month in..."Mom, we just do the same songs over and over!!"  

But, last night we went to the big and final show and I think now that she has performed in front of a crowd she is starting to have a change of heart about Showstoppers.  They performed a variety of Broadway songs complete with dancing.  It was really cute and Haley did super!  With all the cheering from the crowd, the flowers we congratulated her with and a fun dessert gathering at our house with grandparents, she has decided that she MAY be interested in continuing Showstoppers next semester.  We will see.

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